Zwischenstaatliche Organisation für den internationalen Eisenbahnverkehr


9. Nov. 2023
(Nur EN) Final report of the meeting of the Joint Coordinating Group of Experts (Hybrid meeting, 6 September 2023)
19. Sept. 2023
(Nur EN) JCGE Letter and Advice to the Committees
9. Sept. 2023
(Nur EN) JCGE Priority Items. Version updated.
30. Juni 2023
(Nur EN) JCGE Priority Items. Version updated.
12. Jan. 2023
(Nur EN) Final report of the meeting of the Joint Coordinating Group of Experts (Hybrid meeting, 6 September 2022)
5. Nov. 2021
(Nur EN) Final report of the meeting of the Joint Coordinating Group of Experts (Remote meeting, 7 to 8 September 2021)
5. Nov. 2021
(Nur EN) JCGE Priority Items. Version updated.
20. Nov. 2020
(Nur EN) Final report of the meeting of the Joint Coordinating Group of Experts (Remote meeting, 8 to 9 September 2020)
20. Nov. 2020
(Nur EN) JCGE Priority Items. Version updated.
13. Dez. 2019
(Nur EN) Final report of the meeting of the Joint Coordinating Group of Experts (Berne, 9 to 11 September 2019)
10. Sept. 2019
(Nur EN) JCGE Priority Items. Version updated.
13. März 2019
(Nur EN) Final report of the preparatory meeting of the Joint Coordinating Group of Experts (Berne, 6 to 8 February 2019)
7. Febr. 2019
(Nur EN) JCGE Priority Items. Auf der 1. Tagung genehmigte Fassung.


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