48th Session – Hybrid meeting, 15-16 November 2022

TECH-22045 – Invitation and provisional agenda (dated 20.9.2022)

Opening of the session
Election of chair
1. Approval of the agenda
2. Approval of the minutes of the 47th session of WG TECH WG TECH 47 draft minutes
3. Information from the OTIF Secretariat
4. For discussion
4.1. Draft proposal for revision of UTP GEN-E concerning the qualification and independence of assessing entities
4.2. Draft proposal for revision of UTP GEN-G concerning a Common Safety Method on risk evaluation and assessment TECH-22046
4.3. Draft update to the application guide for UTP WAG TECH-22044 Progress report
4.4. Progress report on feasibility of developing specific UTPs dedicated to vehicles that can be used freely in international traffic TECH-22035
4.5. Draft proposal for decision concerning the involvement of stakeholders in work of the Committee of Technical Experts
4.6. Draft revised Rules of Procedure for the Committee of Technical Experts TECH-22041
4.7. Draft provisional agenda for the 15th session of the Committee of Technical Experts TECH-22047
5. Information on developments concerning the Future Railway Mobile Communication System (presented by UIC)
6. Developments in EU regulations that are of relevance to COTIF (presented by ERA and European Commission)
7. Cross reference table of EU and OTIF terminology TECH-17049
8. EU-OTIF equivalence table TECH-18024
9. Any other business
10. Next sessions


47th Session – Hybrid meeting, 7 September 2022

TECH-22032 – Invitation and provisional agenda (dated 12.7.2022)

1. Election of chair
2. Approval of the agenda
3. Approval of the minutes of the 46th session of WG TECH WG TECH 46 PVM
4. Information from the OTIF Secretariat
5. For discussion
5.1. Development of the Annexes to the EST UR (Appendix H to COTIF):
Annex C: A harmonised procedure for issuing safety certificates
TECH-22022 v2
5.2. Revision of UTP GEN-G concerning a Common Safety Method on risk evaluation and assessment TECH-22027
5.3. Analysis of the criteria to be met by assessing entities (UTP GEN-E) TECH-22034
5.4. Analysis of the feasibility of developing specific UTPs dedicated to vehicles that can be used freely in international traffic TECH-22035
5.5. Updates of the UTP application guides:
– Application guide for UTP WAG
– Application guide for UTP NOI
TECH-22014 v2
TECH-22020 v2
5.6. Next step in monitoring and assessing the implementation of the APTU and ATMF UR by Contracting States TECH-22024 v2
6. Information on developments concerning the Future Railway Mobile Communication System (presented by UIC)
7. Developments in EU regulations that are of relevance to COTIF (presented by ERA and European Commission)
8. Cross reference table of EU and OTIF terminology TECH-17049
9. EU-OTIF equivalence table TECH-18024
10. Any other business
11. Next sessions



46th Session – Hybrid meeting, 16 June 2022

TECH-22021 – Invitation and provisional agenda (dated 20.4.2022)

1. Election of chair
2. Approval of the agenda
3. Information from the OTIF Secretariat
4. For discussion
4.1. Next step in monitoring and assessing the implementation of APTU and ATMF by Contracting States TECH-22024
4.2. Mutual recognition of ECM certificates; feedback from the ad hoc Committee on Legal Affairs and International Cooperation (JUR) LAW-22004
4.3. Development of the Annexes to the EST UR (Appendix H to COTIF):
a) Annex C: A harmonised procedure for issuing safety certificates TECH-22022
b) Analysis of the necessary links between EST UR and the CSM on risk evaluation and assessment. TECH-22023
4.4 Updates of the UTP application guides: TECH-22026
a) Application guide for UTP WAG TECH-22014
b) Application guide for UTP NOI TECH-22020
5. Developments in EU regulations that are of relevance to COTIF (presented by ERA and European Commission)
6. Cross reference table of EU and OTIF terminology TECH-17049
7. EU-OTIF equivalence table TECH-18024
8. Any other business
no document
9. Next sessions no document