2020 – 2029

Bulletin 132nd year: No. 2 2024

Memorandum of Understanding: OTIF – UNESCAP, Entry into force of the Luxembourg Protocol, Ground-breaking, Development of the railways and cooperation in South-East Asia, Moldova: application for accession to OTIF, China: application for accession to OTIF, Results the ad hoc Committee on Legal Affairs and International Cooperation, OTIF’s 16th General Assembly: 25-26 September 2024, Interchangeable vehicles, RID/ADR/ADN Joint Meeting, Transboundary movement of wastes: Current legal situation and developments (part 2)…


Bulletin 132nd year: No. 1 2024

CIT General Assembly, Annual tripartite meeting: OTIF – DG MOVE – ERA, ITF Annual Consultation, Entry into force of the Luxembourg Protocol and inaugural session of the Supervisory Authority of the Luxembourg Protocol, 10th Annual Meeting of International Organisations (OECD): sharing experiences, When legal certainty is combined with environmentally-friendly transport, Entry into force of revised UTP GEN-E, UTP GEN-G and UTP TAF, 16th Session of the Committee of Technical Experts, 16th Session of the RID Committee of Experts’ standing working group)…


Bulletin 131st year: No. 4 2023

Global Sustainable Transport Forum in Beijing, Summit meeting: OTIF – NRA, Visit to the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport in Berlin, Courtesy visit, Meetings at the 4th Silk Road Forum in Tbilisi, Anniversaries of the CIM and CIV Uniform Rules, Standing working group technology (WG TECH) in London, OTIF’s 16th General Assembly: 25 and 26 September 2024, Depositary Notifications, Inter-regional workshop on multimodal transport corridor management, Renovation work at OTIF’s headquarters, OTIF reflects the zeitgeist of linguistic equality, Results of the 6th Session of the Joint Coordinating Group of Experts (JCGE)…

Bulletin 131st year: No. 3 2023

International Transport Forum Summit, 137th Session of the Administrative Committee, High level meeting on Euro-Asian traffic, Relocation to temporary premises, Courtesy visit, Cooperation with the Universal Postal Union, Depositary Notifications, Negotiable multimodal transport documents; UNCITRAL working group, An afternoon of dissemination, WG TECH 50, key facts and figures, Use of gender-neutral language in OTIF, Results of the 15th Committee of Technical Experts and work programme…


Bulletin 131st year: No. 2 2023

UIC World Congress, Welcome! Warsaw: high-level meeting, Meeting at OSJD, Declaration at the High Level Regional Conference on Accelerating Rail Digital Transformation in Asia and Pacific, Ad hoc Committee on Legal Affairs and International, Cooperation: brief summary, Annual tripartite meeting, Official meeting, Temporary offices for the Secretariat. Attention: renovation work and a new temporary address, Depositary Notifications, 130 years! The International Dangerous Goods Days in Hamburg, 10th Technical Committee of the Transport Community in Belgrade, Background to and explanation of the recent modifications to the ATMF UR, The EU TSI Package and consequences for OTIF’s UTPs, RID/ADR/ADN Joint Meeting…

Bulletin 131nd year: No. 1 2023

Participation in the UNECE Working Party on Rail Transport: unification of railway law under discussion, Statement by the Secretary General at the UNESCAP Transport Committee,  9th Annual Meeting of International Organisations (OECD): sharing experiences, The Luxembourg Rail Protocol: ratification by Spain, RID 2023: what’s new? UNCITRAL Working Group on Negotiable Multimodal Transport Documents,  Meeting with GCC and its members,  Revised UTP TAF entered in force: presentation of the changes, 15th Session of the RID Committee of Experts’ standing working group, …


Bulletin 130th year: No. 4 2022

London: High-level visit and meeting. 3rd Session of the ad hoc Committee on Legal Affairs and International Cooperation. New permanent representative of Belgium. EUMedRail Final Conference. Depositary Notifications. Dangerous Goods Day in Hanover. “Railway Days” in Bucharest. “Spotlight on railways in the United Kingdom”. Guidelines on cooperation with international intergovernmental organisations. 5th Session of the Joint Coordinating Group of Experts (JCGE). The transport of dangerous goods in the context of international humanitarian law…


Bulletin 130th year: No. 3 2022

ITF 2022 Summit: “Transport for inclusive societies”. 150 years of coordination and planning Berne Days. (Berner Tage) 2022. Happy birthday to UIC. Courtesy visit. Official visit to Azerbaijan. 175th anniversary of Swiss railways. Depositary Notifications. Seminar at the European Training Centre for Railways. 2022: the 130th year of publication of the Bulletin of International Carriage by Rail. The new Uniform Technical Prescriptions concerning infrastructure have entered into force. 14th Committee…


Bulletin 130th year: No. 1-2 2022

OTIF and OSJD: progress towards strong cooperation. 135th Session of the Administrative Committee. The 2022-2023 Work Programme: focus on cross-cutting issues. Spain and South Africa sign the Luxembourg Rail Protocol. OTIF and the Union for the Mediterranean. 2nd Session of the ad hoc Committee on Legal Affairs and International Cooperation. Modifications to COTIF 1999 adopted by the General Assembly: update on approvals. Depositary Notifications. The Universal Postal Union and OTIF: a high-level meeting. New Workshops for the Gulf Cooperation Council….


Bulletin 129th year: No. 4 2021

Hop on board a special train – the Connecting Europe Express! OTIFs 15th General Assembly. The aims of OTIF’s Secretary General for the period of office from 2022 to 2024. Depositary Notifications. UNIDROIT and OTIF for the Luxembourg Protocol. 12th Transport and Communications Forum in Istanbul. Joint Coordinating Group of Experts and the coordination of dangerous goods and general railway law. Regulation on the election and conditions of service of the Secretary General. Decision on the monitoring and assessment of legal instruments. Addenda 1 to 3 to the ‘Guidelines on treaty acts under COTIF’.


Bulletin 129th year: No. 3 2021

In support of harmonising rail transport law. Courtesy meeting. Tripartite working meeting. Welcome to the Secretariat! Reminder. Depositary Notifications. OTIF, the ETCR Seminar and the College of Europe. Rail: the sustainable mode of transport? An inventory of strengths and challenges. Committee of Technical Experts’ results and work programme. RID/ADR/ADN Joint Meeting. Farewell to mercury – Possible contribution of experts on the transport of dangerous goods to implementation of the objectives of the Minamata Convention. “Facilitate private investment in rail transport!” The Luxembourg Protocol …


Bulletin 129th year: No. 2 2021

Welcome! Rail Preparatory Commission. The 4th sessions of the Working Group of Legal Experts and the ad hoc Committee on Cooperation. Thank you! Workshops for the Gulf Cooperation Council. Results of the ad hoc Committee on Cooperation and the Working Group of Legal Experts: 2019 – 2021. Contributions from representatives of the Member States. Digitalised exchange of information in international rail transport: existing provisions under COTIF. 57th Session of the UN Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods…


Bulletin 129th year: No. 1 2021

New permanent representative of Spain. OTIF and UIC, the right tempo. International Transport Forum Annual Consultation. Renovation on the horizon. OTIF’s 15th General Assembly: 28 and 29 September 2021. Amendments to COTIF: update on approvals. Depositary Notifications. Participation in the Steering Committee for the EUMedRail project. Entry into force on 1 April 2021 of new COTIF provisions under the ATMF UR and APTU UR. 13th Session of the Committee of Technical Experts. RID Committee of Experts’ standing working group…


Bulletin 128th year: No. 4 2020

OTIF-DG MOVE-ERA: Signing of the second Administrative Arrangement. Congratulations to the new Chairman of the OSJD Committee. Survey on OTIF’s Bulletin. Appendix C: a new edition of RID 2021. Depositary Notifications. A high-level partnership for international regulations. Workshops for the states of the Gulf Cooperation Council. EU Member States’ platform for international passenger transport. New edition of “Trade and Transport”. The registration process for ECM certification bodies and ECM certificates. RID/ADR/ADN Joint Meeting…


Bulletin 128th year: No. 3 2020

Status of the Vilnius Protocol of 3 June 1999: full information online. Amendment of RID. Video-conference of OTIF’s Administrative Committee and decision using the written procedure. International Railway Summit – Webinar Rail. Involvement of the OTIF Secretariat in the EUMedRail project. The functioning of OTIF’s organs in exceptional circumstances. New provisions based on the ATMF UR and APTU UR to be adopted in a vote using the written procedure . Draft new UTP concerning train composition and route compatibility checks…


Bulletin 128th year: No. 2 2020

Visit from the Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia, ERA and OTIF, a common objective, Managing the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, What is COVID for you? The carriage of dangerous goods and the current pandemic, Congratulations, Depository notifications, OTIF at the “Berne Days”, Special Vilnius Bulletin, Making multimodal transport subject to COTIF railway law, Vehicle Admission, 56th Session of the UN Sub-Committee of Expe…



Bulletin – Vilnius Symposium 2019

20 years later, on 29 October 2019, OTIF, together with the Lithuanian Ministry of Transport and Communications, the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Lithuanian Railways, jointly organised a symposium in Vilnius on the “20th Anniversary of the Vilnius Protocol: OTIF’s achievements and prospects”. With this special edition of the Bulletin, the Secretariat’s aim is to preserve a written record of the speeches in addition to the videos. Thanks to the contributions from most of the speakers, this special edition provides a record of the discussions on 29 October 2019…

Bulletin 128th year: No. 1 2020

The mail by rail project presented in Xiamen. OTIF takes part in discussions on the Trans-Asian Railway Network. International Transport Forum Consultation Day OTIF photos on line. Diplomatic Conference on the MAC Protocol, the Luxembourg Protocol and OTIF. 7th International Symposium in Doboj. Presentation on RID in Beijing. Delegation from Denmark visits OTIF’s headquarters. Monitoring and assessment of legal instruments. From Xi’an to Hamburg via Baltijsk and Sassnitz/Mukran. Vehicle registers. RID/ADR/ADN Joint Meeting.