Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail

COTIF 1999

The Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) of 9 May 1980, as modified by the Protocol of 3 June 1999 (Vilnius Protocol), is commonly referred to as COTIF 1999.

COTIF 1999 comprises the Convention itself, which governs the functioning of OTIF, and seven appendices that establish unified railway law.

Texts in OTIF’s other working languages: GermanFrench

OTIF Membership and application of appendices to COTIF

Authentic Text Entry into force

Protocol of 3 June 1999 for the Modification of the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) of 9 May 1980 adopted by the General Assembly at its 5th session from 26 May to 3 June 1999 (AG 5/3.1 and A 56-01/501.2006)

–        Correction of 31.03.2000 (A 56-01/506.2000)

–        Correction of 29.06.2001 (A 56- 01/502.2001)

Unofficial consolidated versions Version of
Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) of 9 May 1980 in the version of the Modification Protocol of 3 June 1999

01.03.2019 (corrected on 07.03.2023)

Authentic Text Entry into force

Base Convention adopted by the General Assembly at its 5th session from 26.05 to 03.06.1999 (AG 5/3.1)


–        Correction of 31.03.2000 (A 56-01/506.2000)


–        Correction of 29.06.2001 (A 56- 01/502.2001))


Modifications adopted by the Revision Committee at its 24th session from 23 to 25.06.2009 (A 55-24/508.2009 and CR 24/NOT/Add.1)


Modifications adopted by the Revision Committee at its 25th session from 25 to 26.06.2014 (A 55-25/506.2014 and CR 25/NOT/Add.1)


Modifications adopted by the General Assembly at its 12th session from 29 to 30.09.2015 (A 53-12/509.2015 and AG12/NOT/Add.1)

Not yet

Modifications adopted by the General Assembly at its 13th session from 25 to 26.09.2018 (NOT-18001_LC and NOT-18001_LC-Ad.1)

Not yet
Unofficial consolidated versions Version of
Base Convention

Explanatory Report

Authentic Text Entry into force

Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (AG 5/3.1)

–        Correction of 31.03.2000 (A 56-01/506.2000)

Correction of 29.06.2001 (A 56- 01/502.2001)

Version of
Explanatory report
Authentic Text Entry into force

Uniform Rules concerning the Contract of International Carriage of Passengers by Rail (CIV – Appendix A to the Convention) adopted by the General Assembly at its 5th  session from 26 May to 3 June 1999 (AG 5/3.1)

–        Correction of 31.03.2000 (A 56-01/506.2000)

–        Correction of 29.06.2001 (A 56- 01/502.2001)

Version of
Explanatory report
Authentic Text Entry into force

Uniform Rules concerning the Contract of International Carriage of Goods by Rail (CIM – Appendix B to the Convention) adopted by the General Assembly at its 5th session from 26 May to 3 June 1999 (AG5-3.1)

–        Correction of 31.03.2000 (A 56-01/506.2000)

–        Correction of 29.06.2001 (A 56- 01/502.2001)


Modifications adopted by the Revision Committee at its 24th session from 23 to 25.06.2009 (A 55-24/508.2009 and CR 24/NOT/Add.5)


Modifications adopted by the Revision Committee at its 25th session by written procedure of 20.04.2015 (A 55-25/506.2015 and CR 25/NOT/CIM)

Unofficial consolidated versions Version of
Appendix B
Version of
Explanatory Report
Authentic Text Entry into force

Regulation concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID – Appendix C to the Convention) adopted by the General Assembly at its 5th session from 26.05 to 03.06.1999 (AG5-3.1)


–        Correction of 31.03.2000 (A 56-01/506.2000)

Correction of 29.06.2001 (A 56- 01/502.2001)


47th and 48th sessions of the Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (19-20.05.2010 and 16-20.11.2009),

Unofficial consolidated versions Version of
Appendix C

Explanatory Report

Authentic Text Entry into force

Uniform Rules concerning Contracts of Use of Vehicles in International Rail Traffic (CUV – Appendix D to the Convention) adopted by the General Assembly at its 5th session from 26.05 to 03.06.1999 (AG5-3.1)


–        Correction of 31.03.2000 (A 56-01/506.2000)

–        Correction of 29.06.2001 (A 56- 01/502.2001)


Modifications adopted by the Revision Committee at its 25th session from 25 to 26.06.2014 (A 55-25/506.2014 and CR 25/NOT/Add.2)


Modifications adopted by the General Assembly at its 12th session from 29 to 30.09.2015 (A 53-12/509.2015  and AG12/NOT/Add.2)

Not yet
Unofficial consolidated versions Version of
Appendix D
Version of
Explanatory Report
Authentic Text Entry into force

Uniform Rules concerning the Contract of Use of Infrastructure in International Rail Traffic (CUI – Appendix E to the Convention) adopted by the General Assembly at its 5th session from 26.05 to 03.06.1999 (AG5-3.1)

–        Correction of 31.03.2000 (A 56-01/506.2000)

–        Correction of 29.06.2001 (A 56- 01/502.2001)


Modifications adopted by the Revision Committee at its 24th session from 23 to 25.06.2009 (A 55-24/508.2009 and CR 24/NOT/Add.2)


Modifications adopted by the Revision Committee at its 25th session from 25 to 26.06.2014 (A 55-25/506.2014 and CR 25/NOT/Add.3)


Modifications adopted by the General Assembly at its 13th session from 25 to 26.09.2018) (NOT-18001_LC and NOT-18001_LC-Ad.3)

Not Yet
Unofficial consolidated versions Version of
Appendix E
Version of
Explanatory Report
Authentic Text Entry into force

Uniform Rules concerning the Validation of Technical Standards and the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions applicable to Railway Material intended to be used in International Traffic (APTU – Appendix F to the Convention) adopted by the General Assembly at its 5th session from 26.05 to 03.06.1999 (AG5-3.1)

–        Correction of 31.03.2000 (A 56-01/506.2000)

–        Correction of 29.06.2001 (A 56- 01/502.2001)


Modifications adopted by the Revision Committee at its 24th session from 23 to 25.06.2009 (A 55-24/508.2009 and CR 24/NOT/Add.3)


Modifications adopted by the Revision Committee at its 25th session from 25 to 26.06.2014 (A 55-25/506.2014 and CR 25/NOT/Add.4)


Modifications adopted by the Revision Committee at its 26th session from 27 to 28.02.2018 (SG-18020 and SG-18020-Ad1)

–        Correction of 07.05.2018 (SG-18055)

–        Correction of 21.06.2019 (with effect from 31.07.2019 (NOT-19007 and NOT-19016))


Modifications adopted by the General Assembly at its 12th session from 29 to 30.09.2015 (A 53-12/509.2015 and AG12/NOT/Add.3)

Not yet
Unofficial consolidated versions Version of
Appendix F

01.03.2019 (corrected on 31.07.2019)

Version of
Explanatory Report
Authentic Text Entry into force

Uniform Rules concerning the Technical Admission of Railway Material used in International Traffic (ATMF – Appendix G to the Convention) adopted by the General Assembly at its 5th session from 26 May to 3 June 1999 (AG5-3.1)

–        Correction of 31.03.2000 (A 56-01/506.2000)

–        Correction of 29.06.2001 (A 56- 01/502.2001)


Modifications adopted by the Revision Committee at its 24th session from 23 to 25.06.2009 (A 55-24/508.2009 and CR24/NOT/Add.4)

–        Correction of 09.11.2010 (A 55-24/504.2010)


Modifications adopted by the Revision Committee at its 25th session from 25 to 26.06.2014 (A 55-25/506.2014 and CR 25/NOT/Add.5)

–        Correction of 18.08.2015 (A 55-25/507.2015)

–        Correction of 07.03.2023 (NOT-23001 and NOT-23009)


Modifications adopted by the Revision Committee at its 26th session from 27 to 28.02.2018 (SG-18020 and SG-18020-Ad2)

–        Correction of 21.06.2019 (with effect from 31.07.2019) NOT-19007 and NOT-19016))


Modifications adopted by the Revision Committee by written procedure of 28.10.2022 (NOT-22042and Annex)


Modifications adopted by the General Assembly at its 12th session from 29 to 30.09.2015 (A 53-12/509.2015 and AG12/NOT/Add.4)

Not yet

Modifications adopted by the General Assembly at its 13th session from 25 to 26.09.2018 (NOT-18001_LC and NOT-18001_LC-Ad.4)

Not yet
Unofficial consolidated versions Version of
Appendix G

01.03.2019 (corrected on 07.03.2023)

01.03.2019 (corrected on 31.07.2019)

Version of
Explanatory Report
Authentic Text Entry into force

Uniform Rules concerning the Safe Operation of Trains in International Traffic (EST – Appendix H to the Convention) adopted by the General Assembly at its 13th session from 25 to 26.09.2018) (NOT-18001_LC and NOT-18001-Ad.2)

Not Yet
Signatures, ratifications, acceptances, approvals, accessions and entry into force Reservations and declarations Non-approvals and objections to modifications to COTIF

Dutch– Official translation: Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) of 9 May 1980, as amended by the Modification Protocol of 3 June 1999 and the amendments to Articles 9 and 27 of the Convention and to Appendices B (CIM), E (CUI), F (APTU) and G (ATMF) adopted by the Revision Committee at its 24th session as well as to Appendix C (RID) adopted by the RID Expert Committee at its 47th and 48th

Russian– Working translation COTIF (version of the basic Convention applicable from 1.12.2010) with the Vilnius Protocol, the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of OTIF and CIM (Appendix B) – CIV (Appendix A), RID (Appendix C, version applicable from 1.1.2011), CUV (Appendix D), CUI (Appendix E, version applicable from 1.12.2010), APTU (Appendix F, version applicable from 1.12.2010), ATMF (Appendix G, version applicable from 1.12.2010).

Farsi– Translation prepared by the Railways of the Islamic Republic of Iran (2014); Protocol of 3 June 1999 for the Modification of the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail of 9 May 1980


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