Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail

Dangerous Goods – RID

The Regulation concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID) forms Appendix C to COTIF, and has an annex. This Regulation applies to international traffic.  


Directive 2008/68/EC transposes RID into the EU’s internal law, including for national transport. OTIF and the Commission have put in place the necessary coordination to this end.


As a result of coordination work between the UNECE in Geneva and OTIF, the provisions on the carriage of dangerous goods by rail are also harmonised with the provisions for road transport (ADR) and inland waterways transport (ADN).


Versions in the official languages of OTIF : French, German


Versions in the official languages of OTIF : French, German

With effect from 1 January 2025

Appendix C to the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF)

With effect from 1 January 2023

Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) Appendix C

List of corrections 1
List of corrections to the 2023 edition of RID 

Version in other language
Printed version is available at

English version
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French version
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With effect from 1 January 2021

Appendix C to the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF)
Version in other language

With effect from 1 January 2019

Appendix C to the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF)
  • Corrigendum No 1
    List of corrections 1 to the 2019 edition of RID
  • Corrigendum No 2
    Corrections to the edition of RID in force since 1 January 2019
Version in other language

2017 edition of RID in force from 1 January 2017

Appendix C to the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail and its annex
  • Corrigendum No 1
    List of corrections 1 to the printed RID 2017 edition
  • Corrigendum No 2
    List of corrections 2 to the printed RID 2017 edition
Version in other language

2015 edition of RID in force from 1 January 2015

Appendix C to the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail and its annex
Version in other language

With effect from 1 January 2013

Appendix C – Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID)
    The corrections listed in this corrigendum are taken into account in the online edition of RID 2013.
    The corrections listed in this corrigendum are taken into account in the online edition of RID 2013.

With effect from 1 January 2011

Appendix C – Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID)

Norway (synoptic presentation of RID and ADR)

Sweden (2023)  Sweden (2025)

2 Nov. 2020
Guidelines. Checklists for the filling and emptying of gas tank-wagons.
2 Nov. 2020
Guidelines. Checklists for the filling and emptying of tank-wagons for liquids.
6 Jan. 2020
Guidelines for the use of RID/ADR/ADN
9 Jan. 2019
Guideline for the application of EN 12972 (Tanks for transport of dangerous goods – Testing, inspection and marking of metallic tanks) for compliance with RID
13 Aug. 2018
Guidelines on how to apply standard EN 13094:2015
12 Dec. 2005
Generic guideline for the calculation of risk inherent in the carriage of dangerous goods by rail

At its 13th session in November 2021, the RID Committee of Experts’ standing working group decided to publish on OTIF’s website a list of interpretations of certain provisions of the Regulation concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID). The list contains interpretations that do not lead to amendments to the Regulation itself.


At each meeting of the standing working group, the Member States have the opportunity to ask questions concerning the interpretation of RID. These questions are dealt with under a standing agenda item. Some of these questions lead to amendments to the text of RID. For other questions, however, an explanation in the report of the standing working group is considered sufficient.


In order to avoid a time-consuming search of the reports of the standing working group, the following list is provided:

Provisions of Chapter 4.4 for the use of fibre-reinforced plastics tank-containers


At its 15th session (Berne/hybrid, 23 and 24 November 2022) the RID Committee of Experts’ standing working group confirmed that the provisions of Chapter 4.4 in force until 31 December 2022 remained applicable to fibre-reinforced plastics tank-containers used in accordance with transitional measure (see paragraph 13 of report OTIF/RID/CE/GTP/2022-B).


Application of RID to the affixing of placards to swap bodies


At its 16th session (London, 20 to 23 November 2023), the RID Committee of Experts’ standing working group confirmed that RID also applies to the affixing of placards to swap bodies (see paragraph 25 and annex III of the report OTIF/RID/CE/GTP/2023-A).

Interpretation: also applies to the affixing of placards to swap bodies.

Justification:        Among other things, governs the affixing of placards to large containers.

According to the definitions in 1.2.1

–     a large container is a container which does not meet the definition of a small container,

–     a small container is a container which has an internal volume of not more than 3 m3 and

–     a swap body is also a container, but it does have certain particular construction characteristics specific to land transport.

Consequently, as swap bodies are considered not only as containers, but as large containers because they have an internal volume of more than 3 m3, they are subject to the provisions of”


Procedure if the specified date of the intermediate inspection has passed


If the specified date of the intermediate inspection has passed, an intermediate inspection shall be performed in accordance with or alternatively a periodic inspection may be performed in accordance with

See paragraph 12 and annex I of the report OTIF/RID/CE/GTP/2024-B.


Display of the SV mark in


The display of the SV mark required by applies only to tanks intended for the carriage of compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases fitted with safety valves. Tanks intended for the carriage of refrigerated liquefied gases, MEGCs and battery-wagons, the elements of which are pressure receptacles, shall not display the SV mark.

See paragraph 11 and annex I of the report OTIF/RID/CE/GTP/2024-B.


Member States that apply RID (Appendix C to COTIF) are required to communicate certain key documents for the safe transport of dangerous goods to the Secretariat of OTIF. The Secretariat then informs the other Member States by publishing these communications on the website.


Below is a list of points in RID that specify the transmission of information. Clicking on each of the sources takes you to an introductory text and links to the information provided by the various States.
As RID is revised every two years, this list may be extended to include other sources. Agreements between Member States for carriage on sections of a journey otherwise than by rail haulage

According to, the Member States concerned may agree to apply the requirements of RID to carriage on a section of a journey that is performed other than by rail, supplemented, if they consider it necessary, by additional requirements. The Member State that initiates the agreement must notify the Secretariat of OTIF of the text of the agreement.

According to, a Member State may, in its domestic legislation, transfer the obligations falling to a specific participant in accordance with 1.4.2 and 1.4.3 to one or several other participants. These derogations must be communicated by the Member State to the Secretariat of OTIF.


No such derogations have so far been brought to the Secretariat’s attention.


According to RID, the competent authorities of the Member States may agree directly among themselves to authorize certain transport operations in their territories by temporary derogation from the requirements of RID. The competent authority which has taken the initiative with respect to the temporary derogation must notify the text of the derogation to the Secretariat of OTIF.

The Secretariat of OTIF publishes here the text of the temporary derogation and the list of Member States that have signed it. Each of the Member States is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.



Number of the agreement

RID 2/2024: Marking of non-UN cylinders carrying UN No 1001 acetylene, dissolved and UN No 3374 acetylene, solvant free

RID 2/2023: Carriage of SODIUM ION BATTERIES with organic electrolyte or SODIUM ION BATTERIES with organic electrolyte   CONTAINED IN EQUIPMENT or PACKED WITH EQUIPMENT

RID 2/2022:Carriage of monkeypox virus

RID 1/2022: Carriage of paint residues (waste)

RID 7/2021: Environmentally hazardous substances of UN 3082 and the requirement for performance testing of the packaging


RID 5/2020: Carriage of certain wastes containing dangerous goods


Expired temporary derogations

RID 1/2024:Carriage of waste contaminated with free asbestos

RID 1/2023: Exemption from appointing a safety adviser for consignors

RID 9/2021: Carriage of electronic detonators under UN numbers 0511, 0512 and 0513

RID 8/2021: Environmentally hazardous substances of UN 3082 and the requirement for performance testing of the packaging


RID 5/2021: Periodic inspection and test of pressure receptacles
for the carriage of gases of Class 2

RID 3/2021: Periodic inspection and test of pressure receptacles
for the carriage of gases of Class 2

RID 2/2021: Carriage of assembled lithium batteries (UN 3090
UN 3091, UN 3480 and UN 3481) not equipped with overcharge protection

RID 1/2021: Safety adviser certificates in accordance with of RID

RID 8/2020: Periodic inspection and test of pressure receptacles for the carriage of
gases of Class 2


RID 4/2020: Periodic or intermediate inspections of portable tanks and
UN multiple-element gas containers (MEGCs) in accordance
with,, and of RID

RID 3/2020: Periodic inspection and test of pressure receptacles for the carriage of
gases of Class 2

RID 2/2020: Periodic or intermediate inspections of tanks in accordance with,,,, and 6.10.4 of RID

RID 1/2020: Safety adviser certificates in accordance with of RID

RID 2/2019: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 2/2019

RID 1/2019: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 1/2019

RID 1/2016: Carriage of lithium cells or batteries installed in equipment from private
households collected and handed over for carriage for depollution, dismantling,
recycling or disposal

RID 2/2015: Carriage of damaged lithium batteries that are carried in accordance with the
conditions approved by the competent authority under special provision 376

RID 1/2015: Multilateral Agreement RID 1/2015 under section 1.5.1 of RID
on the carriage of certain wastes containing dangerous goods

RID 5/2014: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 5/2014

RID 4/2014: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 4/2014

RID 3/2014: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 3/2014

RID 2/2014: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 2/2014

RID 1/2014: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 1/2014

RID 5/2013: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 5/2013

RID 4/2013: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 4/2013

RID 3/2013: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 3/2013

RID 2/2013: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 2/2013

RID 1/2013: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 1/2013

RID 7/2012: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 7/2012

RID 6/2012: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 6/2012

RID 5/2012: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 5/2012

RID 4/2012: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 4/2012

RID 3/2012: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 3/2012

RID 2/2012: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 2/2012

RID 1/2012: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 1/2012

RID 13/2011: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 13/2011

RID 12/2011: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 12/2011

RID 11/2011: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 11/2011

RID 10/2011: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 10/2011

RID 9/2011: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 9/2011

RID 8/2011: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 8/2011

RID 7/2011: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 7/2011

RID 6/2011: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 6/2011

RID 5/2011: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 5/2011

RID 4/2011: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 4/2011

RID 3/2011: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 3/2011

RID 2/2011: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 2/2011

RID 1/2011: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 1/2011

RID 6/2010: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 6/2010

RID 5/2010: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 5/2010

RID 4/2010: Carriage of desulfurization agents containing UN 1402 calcium carbide
of Class 4.3, packing group I

RID 3/2010: Multilateral Agreement RID 3/2010 under section 1.5.1 of RID on the carriage of certain wastes containing dangerous goods

RID 2/2010: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 2/2010

RID 1/2010: Performance of the intermediate inspection if the date of the next inspection marked on the tank-wagon itself or on a plate is not yet followed by the letter “L” in accordance with

RID 8/2009: Multilateral Agreement RID 8/2009 according to section 1.5.1 of RID on the carriage of UN 3468 Hydrogen in a metal hydride storage system

RID 7/2009: Multilateral Agreement RID 7/2009 under section 1.5.1 of RID concerning the marking requirements in SP 188 for button cells installed in equipment

RID 5/2009: Multilateral Agreement RID 5/2009 under section 1.5.1 of RID concerning the special marking provisions for environmentally hazardous substances

RID 4/2009: Multilateral Agreement RID 4/2009 under Section 1.5.1 of RID concerning the orange-coloured plates to affix to carrying wagons used for piggyback transport

RID 3/2009: Multilateral Agreement RID 3/2009 under section 1.5.1 of RID concerning the carriage in steel pressure receptacles of chlorosilanes, assigned to packing instruction P010

RID 2/2009: Multilateral Special Agreement RID 2/2009

RID 1/2009: Multilateral Agreement RID 1/2009 according to section 1.5.1 of RID concerning the transport of UN 1495 sodium chlorate in tank-wagons for traffic in powder form

In accordance with RID 1.8.4, the Member States of OTIF must communicate to the Secretariat of OTIF the addresses of the authorities and bodies designated by them which are competent in accordance with national law to implement RID.


The Secretariat of OTIF has published here the information it has received from the Member States. The Member States are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.

According to RID, if a serious accident or incident takes places during the carriage of dangerous goods, the carrier and if the case be, the railway infrastructure manager, must ensure that a report conforming to the model in is made to the competent authority of the Member State concerned.

According to RID, the Member State concerned must, if necessary, make a report to the Secretariat of OTIF with a view to informing the other Member States.
The Secretariat of OTIF has published here the reports it has received from Member States on accidents or incidents that have taken place during the carriage of dangerous goods. The Member States concerned are responsible for the accuracy of the information.


Report on occurrences during the carriage of dangerous goods in accordance with RID/ADR section 1.8.5



According to RID, the RID Contracting States shall publish an up-to-date list of all the inspection bodies they have approved. A reference to this list shall be made on the OTIF website. The respective RID Contracting States are responsible for ensuring that this information is correct.

According to 1.9.4, the competent authority of a Member State must notify the Secretariat of OTIF of any additional provisions in accordance with 1.9.2 (a) and (b).

Chapter 3.3, special provision 661: Carriage of damaged lithium batteries

In accordance with special provision 661 of Chapter 3.3, the carriage of damaged lithium batteries of UN Nos. 3090, 3091, 3480 and 3481, if not collected and presented for carriage for disposal according to special provision 636, is permitted only under additional conditions defined by the competent authority of any RID Contracting State. This authority may also recognise an approval granted by the competent authority of a country which is not an RID Contracting State, provided that this approval has been granted in accordance with the procedures according to RID or ADR. The competent authority of the RID Contracting State granting an approval in accordance with this special provision shall notify this approval to the secretariat of OTIF.

The secretariat of OTIF publishes the information it receives from the Member States here. The Member States are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided. 


Carriage by rail

Carriage by road (informative)

According to 6.2.5, the competent authority is entitled to recognise the application of technical codes for the design, construction and testing of pressure receptacles. The competent authority must send the Secretariat of OTIF a list of the technical codes that it recognises.
The Secretariat of OTIF publishes here the information it receives from the Member States. The Member States are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.



United Kingdom

RID-19002-RC: Technical Code BR 30: Explosion Suppressor Valve Head Assemblies for Use in Explosion Protection Systems, Issue 1, June 2015

RID-19003-RC: Technical Code BR 31: Quick Release Valve Assemblies For Use In Fire Protection Systems

RID-19004-RC: BS EN 12094-4: Fixed Fire Fighting System. Components for gas extinguishing system.
Requirements and test methods for container valve assemblies and their actuators.
BS EN ISO 11117: Gas cylinders. Valve protection caps and valve guards. Design, construction and tests.

RID-19005-RC: AMT03: Transportable gas cylinders – refillable welded steel cylinders containing adsorbent materials for sub-atmospheric gas storage and delivery (excluding acetylene)

Czech Republic

RID-18003-RC-e: Technical Code. Methodology Instruction. Design, construction, production and test for cylinders with a volume of less than 0.5 l


In accordance with RID, the Member States must communicate to the Secretariat of OTIF the experts who have been approved with respect to the particular inspections. The information must include the stamp and the marking stamp.
The Secretariat of OTIF publishes here a list of experts approved by the Member States. The various Member States are responsible for ensuring that this information is correct.

According to, the competent authority is entitled to recognise the application of technical codes for the design, construction and testing of RID tanks. The competent authority must send the Secretariat of OTIF a list of the technical codes that it recognises.
The Secretariat of OTIF publishes here the information it receives from the Member States. The Member States are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.

Spain (FR only)

According to RID, the competent authorities of the Member States may agree directly among themselves to authorize certain transport operations in their territories by temporary derogation from the requirements of RID. The competent authority which has taken the initiative with respect to the temporary derogation must notify the text of the derogation to the Secretariat of OTIF.

The Secretariat of OTIF publishes here the text of the temporary derogation and the list of Member States that have signed it. Each of the Member States is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.

Number of the agreement

Appendix C-RID

Explanatory Reports

Handbook RID


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