Bulletin 122nd year : No. 3 2014

Tehran, “the application of COTIF” UIC, OTIF, ECO and RAI. East – West Passenger Trains – Which law is applicable? The Luxembourg Rail Protocol, How it will transform the rail sector? Exchangeable passenger coaches. RID/ADR/ADN Joint Meeting. Multimodal rail-sea transport. Difference between loss and damage to goods in the CIM UR…




Bulletin 122nd year : No. 2 2014

Meeting of the UIC Global Team of Experts. OTIF at the UIC’s 4th Global Rail Freight Conference.The 7th Committee of Technical Experts. The OSI model – A useful concept in the railway sector? RID/ADR/ADN Joint Meeting. RID Committee of Experts’ standing working group. 25th Revision Committee…




Bulletin 122nd year : No. 1 2014

OTIF participation as an observer in a meeting of the OSJD. Joint OTIF/ERA Workshop. OTIF’s attendance at the meetings of the ECO, Tehran. Principles of TAF TSI. 2nd Session of the RID Committee of Experts’ standing working group. 25th Revision Committee. Updates to the lists of lines…




Bulletin 121st year : No. 4 2013

News The Marmaray project: a dream come true. Withdrawal of declarations to article 42 § 1 of COTIF. ECM for wagons. 43rd Session of the UN Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods. Uniform law for the carriage of goods by rail in Eurasia. OTIF – OSJD Common Position. The CIM/CIV/CUV Uniform Rules. Jurisprudence: Ruling of 9 October 2013…



Bulletin 121st year : No. 3 2013

Pakistan : 49th Member State. Withdrawal of Declaration : Estonia. Short History of Technical Harmonisation of Railways. List of railway lines and inland waterways services. United Nations Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods. 3rd Regional Conference : Batumi. 85th birthday of Mr Kurt Spera…



Bulletin 121st year : No. 1/2 2013

“Young experts” programme. Secretary General’s visit to Turkey. Withdrawal of declaration: Latvia, Romania and Portugal. Switzerland and the CFF/SBB/FFS. A brief history of the technical harmonisation of the railways . Towards unified railway law between Europe and Asia. RID/ADR/ADN Joint Meeting. OTIF’s new tasks in accordance with the Luxembourg Protocol…



Bulletin 120th year : No. 4 2012

CIM list of railway lines, chapter: “Ukraine”. Case law, Supreme court (A): Ruling of 30.05.2012: Scope of CMR. References: Kunz, Wolfgang “Railway law”…




Bulletin 120th year : No. 3 2012

General Assembly elects Secretary General, Mr.Davenne, for the term 2013 – 2015. Accession of Pakistan. Will non OSJD-member states in future also be able to apply COTIF legal regime to selective corridors? Case Law, Naumburg Court of Appeal (D), Ruling of 09.06.2011, passenger falls over in the train. In memoriam, Gregor Oberreuter…




Bulletin 120th year : No. 2 2012

Accession to COTIF: Georgia. Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf. 9th Meeting of the Financial and Technical Committee Abu Dhabi. Case Law : Court of Cassation of Belgium Ruling of 27.05.2011 5, value of lost goods. Andresen/Valder “The Law on Forwarding, Freight and Storage”. In memoriam, Monique Gaillard…




Bulletin 120th year : No. 1 2012

CIM List of railway lines : chapter: Ukraine. Panel of Arbitrators. Pakistan – on the cusp of OTIF membership. Case Law : Appeal Court Paris Ruling of 14.12.2011 : period of limitation if claims are not dismissed. Kunz, Wolfgang: “Railway Law”. Review by R. Freise, Reuschle, Fabian “Montreal Convention”…




Bulletin 119th year : No. 4 2011

Accession to COTIF: Georgia. The Gulf Cooperation Council : Conference on Transport & Rail in October in Doha. Regional Appeal Court Düsseldorf (D) – ruling of 20.04.2011 – Injury on platform. References: Spera, Kurt: “Agreement on International Goods Transport by Rail SMGS”. In memoriam: Wieger Johannes Visser…




Bulletin 119th year : No. 3 2011

Lists of lines 1999: maritime or inland waterway services CIM: Russia, Germany. Court of Cassation in Belgium – ruling of 10.06.2010- Claim without an estimated amount of the damage. Commercial Court of Créteil – ruling of 21.09.2010- “Forum shopping”. References: Kunz, Wolfgang: Railway Law; Catharin/Gürtlich: Railways Act…




Bulletin 119th year : No. 2 2011

Maritime or inland waterway services CIV: Morocco. Ratification of the 1990/1999 Protocol: Morocco. Accession to COTIF: Armenia. Accession of the European Union to COTIF. E-CMR in force since June 2011. Supreme Court Karlsruhe, 30.09.2010, liability of carrier for wilful misconduct. Review by R. Freise: Dr. Thume/de la Motte/Ehlers: Transport Insurance Law …




Bulletin 119th year : No. 1 2011

Lists of lines 1999, maritime or inland waterway services CIV: Germany, Switzerland, Austria. Consolidated new version of the Convention. Case Law: Court of Appeal Versailles of 10.06.2010, carrier obligations. References: Spera, Kurt: A Life in Two Centuries…




Bulletin 118th year : No. 4 2010

2010 Accession to COTIF: Armenia. CIM: list of railway lines, Ukraine, list of maritime and inland waterway services: Russia, Germany. COTIF, CIT/OSJD project to make CIM/SMGS law interoperable. WP.15 UNECE 89th Session. Inaugural meeting of the Rail Facilitation Committee. Case Law Cour de Cassation (France), 16.11.2010, damage to cars loaded on wagons caused by a hailstorm …



Bulletin 118th year : No. 3 2010

ATMF UR . UN Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods 37th Session. “Working together” to help the railways? Experience of working together with the European Railway Agency. Right of the consignee to bring an action, comments on the interpretation of Articles 43 § 4 and 44 § 6 of CIM. Kammergericht Berlin, 9.4.2009, Use of the railway infrastructure …



Bulletin 118th year : No. 2 2010

Accession to COTIF : Montenegro. CIT/OSJD “CIM and SMGS legally interoperable”. Revision of APTU UR. RID Committee of Experts, 48th Session. OTIF Workshop: UTP Freight Wagon, UTP Noise. OSJD, Conference of Ministers – XXXVIIIth Meeting. Bundesgerichtshof , 26.3.2009, Carrier’s freedom of contract and inapplicability of limits of liability …




Bulletin 118th year : No. 1 2010

Accession to OTIF: Jordan. Revision: COTIF, CIM UR, CUI UR. RID/ADR/ADN Joint Meeting. UNECE Inland Transport Committee (ITC). Second Preparatory Conference for the 18th OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum. “EurasiaRail 2010”. Book Reviews Allégret Marc, Taïana Philippe, Transport ferroviaire interne (Inland Rail Transport), LexisNexis JurisClasseur Transport, volume 636…